Cost sheet
Original drawings or paintings for animations:
Preliminary Storyboard for Salmonella Animation
There are approximately 10 drawings.
1. Periodic Salmonella epidemics among wild birds
and infections among domesticated ones can lead
to salmonellosis in humans. There are more than
1500 known serotypes of Salmonella, but humans
are mostly infected with only 10 of them. In the U.S.
40,000 cases are documented annually, but
salmonellosis is underreported, and the figure is
probably closer to one million.
1) Hand and bird
11 x 14"?
2. With more than four billion domestic fowl and
wildfowl consumed in the U.S. annually, salmonellosis
is not likely to be eradicated, but regulations have
been enacted. For example, infected eggs (bacteria
in the ovary infect the yolk) led to passage of the
Egg Product Inspection Act of 1970.
2) Carving cooked fowl
11 x 14"?
3. Despite the regulations, inspections are flawed,
and poultry infection is not uncommon. Salmonella
are hardy, and can survive frozen for several months.
If meat is undercooked or recontaminated after
cooking, bacteria will be ingested.
3) Consuming under-cooked fowl
11 x 14"?
Caching Acorn Woodpecker
Sacred Ibis